Visual perception as we know it is not only the passive receipt of information for our surroundings, but also the memory, experience, and expectations. In this project, we were asked to make stock footage that demonstrates some of the visual cues and grouping principles. Below are some of the footage I took and what cues they demonstrate.

  • Flowers: This shot is taken from a very low angle and close to the ground and flowers. Although frenn seems to dominate the background, the red color still stands out because it’s the primary color to be perceived by our eyes. Additionally, as the cameral moves in different directions, one is able to see the Bonger Hall clearer in constrast to when it was blocked by the flowers. Color and occlusion.
  • Walking: This shot was taken on the road between Boger Hall and Usdan. As my friend walks away, she gets smaller, but in reality, she is not diminishing. If one looks at the linera lines on the road, one can see that at some point, they are merging as further in distance. Additionally, looking at the ground, one cas see taht the texture of the ground gets blurrier as the distance increases. All of these features explain relative size, linera perspective, and texture gradient.

  • Andrus Field: Students playing on the field look very small in the video, however, with the concept of familiar size, one is for sure that these students are of normal human size. The same goes for the buildings; the camera moves, the white tent, Usdan building, and Fayerweather building are relatively small in the movie, but in reality, they are huge. This explains the concept of familiar size.
  • Face mask challenge: I asked my friends, without using their eyes, to do several facial expressions while wearing their faces makes. When people are wearing face masks we make various assumptions about what is behind the mask, and most of the time we base it on what we already know and that’s is not true always. Good continuation and closure, Pareidolia. Longing for completeness.
  • Head/Hand size: As the hand is close to the camera, it seems bigger than the head. Also one can see that brighter regions are brighter than the further ones. Relative brightness and relative size.